WARMUP: Make a blank google doc for your essay and star it so you don’t lose it.
Today’s Work: Transitions
WARMUP: Make a blank google doc for your essay and star it so you don’t lose it.
Today’s Work: Transitions
WARMUP: In the comments box tell us something unique about the way people from Allentown/Pennsylvania speak that is different from people in other cities/states.
We’ll be completing the reading journal for Chapters 5 and 6 today.
WARMUP: In the comments box, tell us what you think the single biggest thing a person can do to prevent racism, bigotry, and discrimination is.
WARMUP: In the comments box, tell us what you think of the book so far.
We’ll be listening to Chapters 5 and 6 Today.
WARMUP: In the comments box tell us something unique about the way people from Allentown/Pennsylvania speak that is different from people in other cities/states.
WARMUP: In the comments, tell us who Michael Brown, George Floyd, and Michael Garner are.
Reading for today:
WARMUP: In the comments tell us what you think about the phrase, “black on black crime.”
WARMUP: In the comments box tell us what you know about the Black Panthers.
WARMUP: Check task dashboard. I updated grades and posted some new work. Check for missings and start the STAR test if you need to.
We’ll be listening to Chapters 3 and 4 today.
WARMUP: Work on the chapter 1 and 2 questions/tables in your reading journal.