WARMUP: Make a blank google doc for your essay and star it so you don’t lose it.
Today’s Work: Transitions
WARMUP: Make a blank google doc for your essay and star it so you don’t lose it.
Today’s Work: Transitions
WARMPUP: In the comments tell us literally any opinion you have, on anything.
Warmup: In the comments, answer the question, “What is the difference between black, brown, and African American?”
Claims and Counterclaims Make a copy and fill out slide 1.
Warmup: In the comments, tell us what you think the difference is between being “black” and being “African American”
Warmup: In the comments, tell us what you think the difference is between being “black” and being “African American”
Warmup: In the comments, tell us what “Defund the police” means.
WARMUP: How is one person being racist different from a whole society being racist? Answer in the comments, please.
We’ll be listening to Chapters 9 and 10 today.
WARMUP: Please read this poster. Leave your initial thoughts in the comments.
WARMUP: Starr’s doesn’t think it’s fair for Khalil’s mom to be so upset about his death, because she “wasn’t there for him” while he was alive. Starr’s mom says that it doesn’t matter, she was still his mom. What do you think about this conversation? Put your answer in the comments. (pg 63 in your pdf)
We’ll be listening to Chapters 7 and 8 today.
**WARMUP:** In the comments, tell us what kind of museum you'd open, if you had the budget to make anything you wanted. [Smithsonian Article](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/emmett-tills-casket-goes-to-the-smithsonian-144696940/) [Police Ted Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/dr_phillip_atiba_goff_how_we_can_make_racism_a_solvable_problem_and_improve_policing?referrer=playlist-talks_to_help_you_understand_r) [Police Podcast/Article](https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2020/06/25/police-training-america-system-policing)
WARMUP: In the comments, tell us what kind of museum you’d open, if you had the budget to make anything you wanted.
WARMUP: In the comments box tell us something unique about the way people from Allentown/Pennsylvania speak that is different from people in other cities/states.
We’ll be completing the reading journal for Chapters 5 and 6 today.