WARMUP: Make a blank google doc for your essay and star it so you don’t lose it.
Today’s Work: Transitions
WARMUP: Make a blank google doc for your essay and star it so you don’t lose it.
Today’s Work: Transitions
WARMUP: In the comments, tell us why it’s important/we spend so much time learning about the Holocaust.
WARMUP: Check Task Dashboard for missings. This might be helpful to you.
TODAY’S WORK: Starting Night
Hey everybody, hope you’re warm and safe!
I’ll be hanging around Zoom, so if you need help you can find me there, or email me at bradr@allentownsd.org
Your work priorities today are:
** First, take the STAR test if you didn’t last week.**
Username: ID number (123456)
Password: Student’s first & last initial (123456jr)
Monitor Password: admin
Jayden Walker
Julian Anang
Carol-Lynn Charlemagne
Yahaira Peralta
Donnaven Garcia
Carlos Hernandez
Second, work on any missing work. Check task dashboard to see what you need. Priority assignments:
WARMUP: Finish/revise your answers to the last section (propaganda) on your 1.3 worksheet.
First grade for LC2!
WARMUP: Find a piece of propaganda and link it in the comments. Explain what they are trying to convince you of, and how. It does not have to be Nazi or WW2 related.
Answer the following questions in the comments:
How is Hitler being portrayed in Nazi propaganda?
What do you think was the purpose of Nazi propaganda?
Do you think it was successful in that purpose? Why or Why not?
Who was the audience for Nazi propaganda?
What would other audiences (other countries during WW2) think differently?
What techniques do the artists use to try to convince you to support the Nazis?
Warmup: What is one question you have about the rise of Hitler, beginning of the Holocaust, or the start of World War 2? Put your question in the comments.