Seating: Color group
Warmup: What do you need to be ready to present?
Objective: I can present my project
Work Time
Seating: Color group
Warmup: What do you need to be ready to present?
Objective: I can present my project
Work Time
Finish your research guide!
I’m on Zoom if you need me.
Seating: Table Group, I will pull some of you.
Warmup: What is your thesis statement?
Objective: I can begin my body paragraphs.
Seating: Table Group, I will pull some of you.
Warmup: Take this survey
Objective: I can complete plan out my essay.
Seating: Table Group, I will pull some of you.
Warmup: What is the hardest part of an argumentative essay?
Objective: I can complete an outline for my intro paragrahp.
Research Guide Outline Slides Preview
Research Guide slides 16-23
Focus Group: Topic and sources w/ Brad
Accelerated? See the essay template/outline here
Warmup: How do you know a source is good to use for your paper?
Objective: I can use the CRAAP test to identify good sources.
Review CRAAP Test
Research Guide slides 8-16
Conference with Mr. Brad
Warmup: What is something from THUG that you would like to learn more about?
Objective: I can brainstorm and refine a list of possible research questions.
Review ELA 7 Competencies
Research Guide Intro
Brainstorm questions w/ table (Slide 4)
Revise your question and fill out slides 5-7
Seating: Table Groups
Warmup: What is your favorite way to read the book (youtube, by yourself, jigsaw, other?)
Learning Target: I can learn how intersectionality affects Starr’s (and our) experiences.
Intersectionality Article
Listen to 17 and 18 on Youtube. Summaries of 19-22
Jigsaw 19-22 with your table group.