Seating: Color group
Warmup: What do you need to be ready to present?
Objective: I can present my project
Work Time
Seating: Color group
Warmup: What do you need to be ready to present?
Objective: I can present my project
Work Time
Seating: Table Groups
Warmup: What are you supposed to do if you get stopped by the police?
Learning Target: I can begin my double entry journal for THUG.
Listen to THUG chapters 1 and 2. Audio here
Complete your own journal Ch 1 and 2 Journal
Seating: With at least one other person.
Warmup: How would your parents or teachers describe you differently than your friends?
Learning Target: I can show how I act differently in different situations.
Share with your partner(s). What are 2 things your articles had in common, and 1 thing that was different?
Make two avatars . Choose how you dress/act in two different places (ex. school vs home, work vs with friends.)
Make a mask for each avatar.
Mask and Mingle.
Seating: With at least one other person.
Warmup: How do you talk differently at home than at school? With your friends? At work?
Learning Target: I can learn about code switching and our plan for this unit.
Review competencies
Introduce project
Share with your partner(s). What are 2 things your articles had in common, and 1 thing that was different?
Make two avatars . Choose how you dress/act in two different places (ex. school vs home, work vs with friends.)
Seating: Tragedy Prevention Group
Warmup: What’s the best way to revise a project?
Learning Target: I can revise my project.
Revision review
Complete own revision checklist
Swap and do peer revision (second page) checklist
Revise your draft
Seating: Tragedy Prevention Group
Warmup: What part of a presentation do people remember best?
Learning Target: I can add complete my essay draft.
Memory list activity.
Transitions video
Synthesis vs summary demo
Add work to your draft..
Seating: Tragedy Prevention Group
Warmup: What type of visual most improves a presentation?
Learning Target: I can add a visual to my project.
Visuals comparison
Add visuals to your project
Finish up to slide 12 on planning guide
Add work to your draft..
Seating: Tragedy Prevention Group
Warmup: What is your best supporting detail.
Learning Target: I can cite my sources
Citations demo
Complete your citations, check them with a table partner
Finish up to slide 10 on planning guide
Add work to your draft from yesterday.
Seating: Tragedy Prevention Group
Warmup: What is the hardest part of an informational project?
Learning Target: I can plan my project and begin my introduction
Preview Informational Planning Slides
With your table: What were the hook and thesis yesterday?
Finish up to slide 7 on planning guide
Copy all work in here
Seating: Tragedy Prevention Group
Warmup: What makes a good informative article/presentation?
Learning Target: I can evaluate presentations to see how effective they are.
Watch Informational Writing Video
Evaluate 3 other articles with your group
Share ratings with class