
Warmup: What’s the difference between skimming, reading, and close reading?

Essential Question: How do we use close reading to improve out ability to comprehend or enjoy a text?


  1. Close reading strategy intro

  2. Close reading demo and group practice (American Like Me pgs 1-13)

  3. Close reading practice worksheet (American Like Me pgs 13-21) Link here

Exit Ticket

Comments (4)

Eric Braca (Student 2023)
Eric Braca

skimming a book is just looking through it quick but close reading you closely pay attention to details and highlight important parts in the text

Danasia Sloan (Student 2025)
Danasia Sloan

skimmy is jus looking at words , reading an taking your time reading and close reading is looking for certain words higglighting stuff and writing down notes about the book