Classroom Expectations Updates

Good afternoon, students!

I just wanted to take a few minutes to go over some housekeeping issues as we get ready to move into next week:

The first expectation that I want to set is that we are going to be cutting down our start-up delay to 5 minutes. If you are late beyond that delay, you will need to wait patiently for me to let you in. Once you are let in to class, you will need to wait until there is a moment where I am free to update you on the task we are doing at that time.

Second - Class participation. I’ve been seeing a number of kids who are checking out as soon as they are logged in. This is starting to reflect in task submission. Given that we are starting rated work next week, this practice will not be sustainable. You will now be required to periodically show active engagement. I will be implementing regular check-ins to verify that you are still at your computer. If you are not responding, you will be marked absent for the class.

Third - I cannot stress enough the importance of doing all assignments. While the Launch Activity was not rated, it was built to help me gauge where you are on the competencies that we will be rating in this project. Going forward, I will not be making accommodations on work after the date it was due.

To confirm that you have read and understand these expectations, please comment below.
