Nazir Wright's Capstone

Hello my name is Nazir Wright. I go to Building 21 high school where i had to do a capstone. Basketball has saved me from a lot of things in life. So I already knew my capstone will have something to do with basketball. So I decided to host a basketball game. The seniors in Building 21 will play against some of the staff in Building 21. After figuring out who was playing and where ,it was a long process for me to complete my entire capstone. So first was all the research where i found more information about basketball and how to host a game. Then it was time to host my own game and play in it. While I was playing in the game other students record for me. So the video you see is my product of my capstone project. I’ve  learned that hosting a basketball game isn't just easy, it's complicated and takes a long process.
