Raul Ramos Capstone

My research for my annotations was so exhausting, I swear nothing in my life has never made me tired and miserable than finding ten sources and writing ten annotated bibliographies. My research question was “How has makeup changed overtime?” I chose this because I was interested in when and how makeup was introduced into the world as well as how it changed throughout the decades. I wanted to learn why it was worn and how different cultures wore makeup.

For my final senior project, I am willing to create a YouTube channel and upload various beauty related videos on there to show the world who I am and hopefully give confidence to those who lack support. I want to inspire people to believe in who they are and show the world who they are.

Since I am lazy and gay, finalizing my product, my annotations and my project took an excessive amount of time and money that I wish went to something else but no. My product is a makeup tutorial which is going to be uploaded on YouTube.

I have been very anxious about putting myself out there because I am socially awkward and I am uncomfortable with sitting in front of a camera. I have spent numerous days attempting to create a perfect video, I did not meet my expectations with the video I currently have but being comfortable with creating videos and editing them takes time. I have to work with what I have and I'll accept that

