Tashyana's Capstone Project

Hi my name is Tashyana Sebro and I am a senior at Building 21 High School. For my senior capstone, I’ve decided to do a documentary on my dance life. The purpose of this video on my personal life is to help me step out my comfort zone because everyone knows that I am a dancer but I’ve never gotten to show people my skills outside the dance room. Also, I want others to know that it’s okay to be yourself no matter the outcome and express your feelings in my ways as possible as I do with dancing. In my documentary, I put together videos I had of me dancing where I felt confident even if I messed up or even looked tired. Throughout the process of this senior capstone, I struggled to do work and I even tried to multitask with my school work. To complete this process for my senior project I had to do a lot of research, interview dancers from dance team, and teach myself how to create a documentary. I hope when people that know of me watch my video realize that it took courage and dedication to form this project because my goal is to convince others to work hard for what they are passionate about and that if it’s something you not afraid to accomplish then the success shouldn’t be hidden. Since I’ve started my capstone I realized that dance is what helped me step out of my comfort zone.

​Annotated Bibliography

My Product- My Evolution of Dance
