Check In: What’s the most important part of being a good person?
To Do:
Finish mission statement
Check out: Share your mission statement.
Check In: What’s the most important part of being a good person?
To Do:
Finish mission statement
Check out: Share your mission statement.
Check In: What’s the biggest goal in your life?
To Do: Finish mission statement
Check Out: Share your mission statement
Warmup: Read the quote on the board
To Do: Mission statement page
Closing: What is your mission statement?
Warmup: Do you have a voice in our school? Why or why not?
To Do: Student Rep Nominations
Check Out: What is one SYSTEM change you want for our school? How would it help us?
Warmup: Draw something (not alive or food) on the paper on your desk.
To Do:
Closing: What would you draw if you knew what we were doing before we started?
Warmup: How was your first “real” week of school?
To do:
Finish lifeline activity
Closing: What do we have in common?
Warmup: What’s the most important thing that’s happened to you?
To do:
Write ~5 important things that’ve happened in your life.
Draw them on the computer paper
Check Out: What do we have in common?
Check In: On the card at your desk, write something we could talk about in advisory.
Check Out: What should we try differently next time?
Check In: How was day 1? Any issues Brad can help you solve?
Check Out: What should our number one goal and/or rule be as an advisory?
Check In: Which class are you most interested in this year?
To Do:
Check Out: What is a goal for today?