Flexible Instructional Day

  • 8:30-8:58: Log into advisory. Your advisor will take attendance and provide any necessary updates. Additionally, reflect on your progress report and complete the SMART Goals form distributed by advisors.

  • 9:00-3:30: Follow your regular schedule:

    • Zoom will open for every class period
    • Each teacher will provide a short lesson of about 20 minutes
    • All tasks and resources will be posted in SLATE.
  • 9:00-3:45: Office Hours

    • Join your teacher’s Zoom if you have questions or need additional help
    • Teachers will close Zoom at 3:45

To access your teacher’s Zoom rooms, please refer to the document found here.

Additional Notes:

  • Attendance will be taken each period including building attendance during advisory
  • If you miss a class, check SLATE for tasks
  • If you cannot access online instruction, make sure to complete paper tasks
