Melissa Routson Public Feed
Bilingual Workshop
Flexible Instructional Day
8:30-8:58: Log into advisory. Your advisor will take attendance and provide any necessary updates. Additionally, reflect on your progress report and complete the SMART Goals form distributed by advisors.
9:00-3:30: Follow your regular schedule:
- Zoom will open for every class period
- Each teacher will provide a short lesson of about 20 minutes
- All tasks and resources will be posted in SLATE.
9:00-3:45: Office Hours
- Join your teacher’s Zoom if you have questions or need additional help
- Teachers will close Zoom at 3:45
To access your teacher’s Zoom rooms, please refer to the document found here.
Additional Notes:
- Attendance will be taken each period including building attendance during advisory
- If you miss a class, check SLATE for tasks
- If you cannot access online instruction, make sure to complete paper tasks
Zoom Room Links!
Seal of Biliteracy
Academic Labs
Spirit Week
Peer Mentoring
Writing Club
Dieruff Track & Field Meet & Discuss
Fall Book Drive
Pretzel Plug
You are the Light!
Nominate for the You are the Light! Link found here.
Fashion Show
Art Club
Hispanic Heritage Month
September Incentive
Fall Sports
Art Show 2024
Homecoming Dance
Winter Sports
September Incentive
Ethics Bowl
The Ethics Bowl Team Competition at DeSales University is coming up on Thursday, November 16th. In this year’s Bowl students will attempt to solve challenging ethical problems related to the surging global demand for clean energy solutions.
If you are interested, please fill out the following form.
International Cultural Festival
Health Career Exploration Program
Summer at B21!
Fill out this form if you are interested!
Senior Prom
Tickets on sale now!! Purchase during lunches or come to Room 253!
Kiss a Senior Goodbye!
Community Block Party
Midnight Basketball Season
Allentown Lake Champion Summer Camp
Fashion Show
Vaping Succs
Art Club Display!
Halloween Events
October Incentive
21st Century After School Program
Algebra 1 Syllabus
Algebra 1 Syllabus
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Class Website!
AP Calculus Site
This link will take you to the AP Calculus website.
Unit 1 Site
This link will take you to the site for the first unit of the course.
Top Questions Form
Top Questions Form
Top Questions Form
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
AP Calculus Syllabus
Precalculus Syllabus
My Classroom Management Plan
Consent Form for CIS
Here is the link for the consent form if you have not already filled it out.
Senior Checklist
Question of the Day
What did you spend your weekend doing? How did social media play a role?
TinkerCAD Logins
TinkerCAD Logins
STAR Assessment
Blog Response 9/16/20
Talk about a time when you crossed a social boundary in conversation. When you crossed the boundary, were you too informal or formal? How could you have responded differently?
Slides for 9.14.20
Welcome to Distance Learning!
Hey all you cool cats and kittens… welcome to distance learning Pre-Calculus! We will be using slate to communicate assignments for this course. Make sure you are checking here and on your task dashboard for updates.
In addition, you will need to have a Khan Academy account to access many of the lessons. Below I posted a video that Mr. Pattison graciously made outlining how to access or create your account. Please follow this and use this code to add my class: 75C8U4U8
Welcome to Distance Learning!
Hey all you cool cats and kittens… welcome to distance learning AP Calculus! We will be using slate to communicate assignments for this course. Make sure you are checking here and on your task dashboard for updates.
In addition, you will need to have a Khan Academy account to access many of the lessons. Below I posted a video that Mr. Pattison graciously made outlining how to access or create your account. Please follow this and use this code to add my class: 53HREJAQ
Limits Google Site
AP Calculus Google Site