Friday 4/30/21

Happy Friday!


Our current stats:

Eligible Voters = 66 Registered as of 4/29 = 10 (15%) Goal = 57 (85%)

Today’s activity:

  1. Start with this form

  2. If you are registering online (you have ID), open the PA Online Voter Registration Site

  3. If you are registering on paper - students in the classroom raise your hand and I will bring you a paper. Students at home make sure you completed the form.

Once you have completed this activity:

  1. Check your Task Dashboard! If you have not completed the SS.2.1 Back to School Milestone, that is your task today.

  2. For those who completed SS.2.1 - please return to Stepping Stone 3 and complete your work today. Let me know if you need assistance.

  3. Some of you are finished with Milestone 3. If that is you, please continue the SS..4 Extension Opportunity I gave to you yesterday. Please tell me if you need this activity and I will open it on your task dashboard.
