nth term resources/practice
I added resources and practice pages to Lesson 8 on the task dashboard for the nth term. Look at the practice problems box and there are three new links.
Ms. Miller
I added resources and practice pages to Lesson 8 on the task dashboard for the nth term. Look at the practice problems box and there are three new links.
Ms. Miller
My apologies for this taking longer than I expected to post: When you look at classwork choose the Assistments that is labeled Lesson 1.4 on Cool Down Lesson 1. I’ll need to figure out why the titles are appearing different and avoid that in the future! Enjoy this beautiful weather! “See” you tomorrow!
Ms. Miller
Hello -
Below is the link for Assistments to complete practice problems (we will typically do these problems as a class) and cool downs - that is all you to see what you know. Look under the Classwork tab to find the material.
If the link doesn’t take you directly to Google Classroom - copy and paste it in a new tab.
Code: mfvmmfk
Ms. Miller