Tuesday 5/11/21
Good morning!
(If you are having your Senior picture taken today please see me for your pass)
Today we will be finishing the Milestone 4 Assessment. Please open that task immediately and begin working. Please enter the Zoom meeting so that we can discuss answers.
**On Tuesday 5/18 (which is a remote learning day on the usual Wednesday Schedule due to the Election) I will be offering a Collaborative Discussion (ELA6) Opportunity using the Mandatory Voting Materials. You will be able to sign up for this later this week. * * *
(If you were working on a different task yesterday please continue with that task. If you finish this task early, please review your task dashboard and complete or revise an older task. See me if you have nothing to do.)
Office Hours Tomorrow at 9:45 (These are NOT optional): We will be completing the Launch Milestone for ratings in SS.3.1&3.2
Amia, Anthony C, Angel D, Eunice, Miguel, Lemuel, Jose M, Javier, Jaylee, Maribel, Rachael, Elias, Angel S, Jessica, Lineyri
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